Photo by: tina natalini
“The most delicious fruit known to men.”
Cherimoya, or "cold seeds" is a close relative to the soursop and sweetsop fruits. Grown in Central and South America, cherimoya is both a tropical and subtropical fruit.
Cherimoya has a soft and creamy texture inside that has been compared to a mixture of pineapple and grape. There are many health benefits provided from this delicious fruit in addition to containing potassium and magnesium, including;
reducing inflammation
strengthening of the immune system
promotes healthy digestion
reducing the risk of abnormal cells
improves eye health
maintains healthy blood pressure
Some things to know before consuming a cherimoya are to avoid eating or cracking the black seed inside. They are poisonous as is the outer skin. Simply scoop the fleshy white “meat” of the cherimoya out and enjoy on its own or added to a smoothie.