Feel Like Royalty

Photo by: Ian Murphy @ianmurphy

Have you ever had a moment when you’re sitting in your in your home and happen to glance around and are filled with a sense that you feel so abundant? Chances are, you have a roof over your head, clothing in your closet, shoes for your feet, plenty of food in the pantry and even a car to get you to work or anywhere you’d like to go. Now, those specific items my not be the most expensive, top-of-the-line, couture material possessions, but if you scrap the labels, you have more than you need to survive.

Personal story, when I lived in San Diego, my apartment was under 500 square feet, but in my favorite neighborhood. The location and proximity to what I needed made up for the lack of space. One day after cleaning my tiny abode, I laid on my “sofa” (it was actually patio furniture since I couldn't fit even a small loveseat) when I had a sense of overwhelming abundance come over me. I thought I was delirious for a moment, but I kept looking around my apartment with awe as if I were in Versailles. I felt like the wealthiest queen in all the land. It was such a great feeling, my abundance and gratitude exceeded the confines of my walls. That strange feeling came over me quite often after that. Now, it is easy for me, no mater where I live to feel the same limitlessness. I have realized that it’s how I perceive the space around me and I am perpetually grateful for my life, its phases and many experiences.

Now, it’s your turn and the challenge is to sit or walk around your home and really take in all the details of your home and personal items. Think of how hard you have worked for each and every piece that makes up your life, family and home. Allow yourself to feel proud of what you have overcome throughout your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re not where you want to be, you don’t need to get “there” in order to be content right now. Enjoy this very moment.

More Please,

Photo by: Donald Giannatti @wizwow

ABUNDANCE, that is! More greatness, more kindness, more generosity and more love. Gratitude is where more of anything is generated. Look around and find greatness to get into a mental state of awe. There are so many priceless moments happening every second of the day; a baby giggling, puppies doing anything, someone holding a door for you, finding money on the ground (we’ve all lost and found money, it’s in constant flow). Abundance is everywhere and is meant to be shared, keep it going.

The best time to do something of service for someone else is when we are at our lowest. Think about that for a second. If you’re struggling right now use whatever life force you can gather to say something kind or encouraging to someone who you know is also struggling. They will light up and you will feel lifted with a small sense of purpose. When we are down we lose focus of who we are and why we exist. There are billions of other humans rotating through these emotions and experiences so do or say what you can to ease someones else’s pain. You will reap the emotional reward through a dopamine surge to help you move on to what’s next.