

is a creative form of expression in the tones of love, loss and life lessons.

One type of poetry is a haiku, a Japanese poetic style that consists of three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second, and five in the third.

Writing poetry can be intimidating, however reading some simple poetry can spark inspiration. Humorous poetry can shift a bad mood instantly and may be an easy way to practice writing a haiku. Try to set a few minutes aside time this week to give poetry or haiku writing a go.

Enjoy these zen haiku poems!


Lines was taken at the San Diego Zoo of a beautiful zebra. There are so many line in this frame from the wire barrier, cracks in the rock, the water trough and of the obvious stripes of the zebra. The visual vibration of Lines brings movement and life to this picture. Lines measure 4.6” x 3.8” or 1388 px x 1146 px. Lines is now available.

*Usage of this image is for personal use only…

Photo by: tina natalini