Hot Yoga
Types of Hot Yoga
BENEFITS OF HOT YOGA: relieve stress, detoxify, stretches and tones the body, increases flexibility, eases joint and back pain, arthritis, knee injuries, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose levels…
BEST HOT YOGA MAT: JUTE PREMIUM ECO YOGA MAT by Maji Sports (pronounced MAA-HE meaning water, in Swahili) is made of 100% raw materials from ECO friendly natural jute fibers, its durable and lightweight with a textured surface or superior grip. This mat comes in two sizes; 24”x68”x4.5 mm thick and 24”x72”x5 mm thick.
I’ve had this mat for about eight years and used it for Bikram and other hot yoga classes regularly and the mat looks and feels like it did when it was first purchased. The grip on the surface is fully intact and does not need a towel to be placed on top for hot yoga. I have never used a towel on this mat nor have I ever slipped.
BIKRAM YOGA: 26 posture sequence, 24 asanas (steady held position i.e, a twist ) and 1 pranayama (breathing exercise) repeated two times at 105 degrees with 40% humidity. Only shorts, tank tops, sports bras and bathing suits are admitted attire. Every Bikram class around the world has the exact same sequence with a military-like format with a script for instructors’ commands of each posture. There is absolutely no music or talking. If someone feels lightheaded or cannot continue the class, it is strongly suggested that they lie down on their mat rather than leave the room. The temperature change from the hot studio to the main area could cause a yogi to pass out. Bikram is the best choice for anyone that wants to track their progress through their practice. It is also great for those with tight legs that cannot touch their toes. The heat allows for flexibility to be achieved in a short amount of time.
Here is my friendly advice: First, I recommend Bikram yoga because it provides a foundation for all other yoga classes through the military-like fashion for the precision of postures and more importantly, for safety. Second, when the instructor yells, “Last chance, lock your knees, lock your knees, LOCK YOUR KNEES,” if you’re in a position like the forward fold, locking your knees could induce nausea. Lastly, it’s hot and gets real smelly so bring your patience and stay focused on the instructor’s voice to make it through the first class.
HOT VINYASA FLOW: Vinyasa flow is a form of power yoga and changes as per each instructor’s choreography. The flow consists of standing, sitting and twisting postures with the temperature ranging from 90 to 108 degrees. A vinyasa flow class comes with a more relaxed environment where chatting is more tolerated and you will most likely experience the scent of palo santo, or an essential oil concoction. This type of yoga is usually accompanied by calming “buddha lounge” or spa music. Core Power Yoga is an example of a country-wide studio practicing Hot Vinyasa Flow.
A BRIEF HISTORY OF BIKRAM: Bikram Yoga, the original “hot yoga,” which originated from Bishnu Charan Ghosh called the Ghosh Lineage. Bishnu Ghosh was Bikram Choudhury’s teacher in India. In the Ghosh Lineage, there is a second level with 84 postures. Bishnu Ghosh is also the younger brother of Paramahansa Yogananda (Self-Realization Fellowship). When Bikram Choudhury moved to the United States, he repackaged the Ghosh Lineage as Bikram Yoga. Bikram Choudhury has since returned to India, fleeing from lawsuits and controversy for his behavior and ethics within his studio.
As for the Bikram studios around the world, they are not franchised so they have the freedom to change their names to separate their studios from the Bikram brand and use the name 26-2 to refer to the Bikram style of hot yoga. These independent Bikram teachers and studios may also offer infusion style hot yoga such as; Hot Vinyasa Flow or Ashtanga. It’s important to know the differences of these styles of yoga and their direct health benefits.
Please consult a physician before attempting any type of new exercise. There are positive and negative side effect to everything. Listen to your intuition when it comes to your heath and always ask questions.