Photo by: Kyle Glenn @kyleglenn
Expansion can been seen, felt and experienced in an emotional sense. Those qualities make discussing and describing expansion so much easier. In this instance, expansion is going to identify an emotion that leads to an absolute YES, straight from the gut. Sometimes we are asked to do a favor we find unpleasant and say a verbal yeah when our full bodies scream no. Why do we do this? It may be that we want to help and be a good friend so we “take one for the team” either returning the favor or assuming it will be returned when you need something. It could also be part people pleaser tendency, which will be a much longer post for a different day. If it’s the latter, start with some reformed people pleasing training wheels and say, “I’ll get back to you after I check my schedule,” to stall for more time. This will provided you some time to create a compromise or come up with another creative solution where you feel good about helping while rather than inconvenienced. No one wants to feel bitter while doing a nice thing for someone.
Back to expansion with a resounding, YES! When we are faced with a question or decision that require action, taking time to pause is essential. Taking a moment to pause and tune into how the body feels is important for staying true to who we are and living from our hearts. Check in with the all-knowing gut for final answers before blurting out a begrudged “yes.” Let’s keep our heads up high and consider our needs and wants rather than handing over our personal autonomy so quickly. During an expansive yes, the chest, face and shoulders physically expand as if the sun is pulling us up in a gravity defying movement. It’s a great feeling and sensation. Let’s have more of these expansive yeses.