Core Beliefs
Photo by: Joshua Woroniecki @joshua_j_woroniecki
A core belief is a default impression that is usually developed during childhood or after a major trauma in life. These beliefs are created as a protective defense even if the core belief is a negative one. A few examples of negative core beliefs are; I don’t matter, it’s my job to make others feel good, I’m unlovable, I’m a loser. Now, here are some positive core belief statements; Life is great, People are kind to me, I will receive help if I ask for it, I have many talents.
Try to become aware of the snap statements you say to yourself. If these statements/beliefs feel limiting or negative, write them down on a piece of paper and on the next line write a positive version of that statement. Reread the new positive beliefs over and over, first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep. Repeat this for 30 days or until you truly believe the positive statement. What actions can you take to live an example of this positive statement?
For extra guidance listen to this brief meditation, Core Beliefs Meditation.