Ergonomically Speaking

Ergonomics a perfect example of design and wellness. It is an invisible waltz between furniture and the human body. Improving posture is a constant practice when facing so much external stimuli on a daily basis. Here are three ways to course correct posture throughout the day; deep breaths, keep feet flat on the floor when seated, pelvis slightly tilted when standing. These simple corrections will create a wave effect on the body triggering the shoulders, head and hips to move closer to their proper placements. (This may be a good time to use the rubber band on the wrist snap trick to train your mind and body to correct your posture as soon as it’s out of alignment.)

Photo by: Dillion Mangum @dillion_mangum


Rolfing, named after creator, Ida Rolf in the 1960’s, focuses on finding the body’s center of gravity to improve posture and releasing muscles restricted by fascia (a plastic bag-like membrane) that surrounds muscles preventing growth. To find your center of gravity, stand straight, knees slightly bent with your body weight on the pads of your feet while leaning slightly forward while your chin is parallel to the floor and feeling as if there is a string pulling up from the spine through the back of the neck and out of the crown of the head. Then gently rock back and forth to find your center of gravity, it should feel like lightness and stillness. To learn more about Rolfing and Ida Rolf, click here.

***DO NOT try this If you have vertigo, balance, joint or blood pressure issues or any ailment that could result in an injury. Always consult with a licensed physician before attempting a new physical technique. Be safe and be your own advocate for your health.

Weekend Design & Wellness Project

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change.
— Wayne Dyer

Reimagine an old piece of furniture to suit your home or as a gift for someone else. It can be as simple as a good coat of paint or recovering a seat cushion. Any little change can help you see something differently. Happy reinventing!

Mid-Century Sofas

Mid-century sofas are long, lean, symmetrical and sturdy. The structure of a mid-century sofa has proven its longevity through the decades with many of them having multiple facade upgrades over time.

Photo by: Phillip Goldsberry @phillipgold

Photo by: Phillip Goldsberry @phillipgold

Choosing a mid-century sofa can be cost effective if you shop at the right thrift or second hand vendors. Of course this process with take time and patience and a really good upholsterer.

First, measure your space to see if it can accommodate a long and sometimes deeper mid-century sofa. Have an idea of the type of upholstery fabric and color would be fitting for the overall look of the room in case the sofa appears and needs a fabric face lift. If going through this process seems daunting, there are plenty of retailers like All Modern sell mid-century inspired sofas. Good luck and don’t forget to enjoy and even document your process. It’s a great way to look back and feel a sense of accomplishment even if you purchase a newer version of a classic piece.

Spalted Maple

Photo by: tina natalini

Photo by: tina natalini

Spalting is the aftermath of fungus that has “attacked” wood. The marbled patterns are unique and resemble an inked sketch. Birch and beech wood can also can become spalted. Here is a piece of spalted maple found at Dueling Maples in Willow Grove, Pa. After searching through each piece of wood for spalted maple, this was one of two pieces with this being the largest at 1’ 2” x 3’ 10.”

Pre-K Feng Shui

Feng Shui

means wind and water representing a constant flow.

Here are 3 Pre-K Feng Shui practices for the mind, body and home.

  1. Mind - Watch your words! Eliminate negative words such as “fight” and “beat” something that actually needs to be healed. This includes diseases and physical ailments. We need unity within our bodies in order to heal. Healthy cells work in unison to heal/break down sick cells that are malnourished. Design Change - write down a word you often use that means strength to you, but is actually a negative word. For example, “fight” can be turned into heal. Now write out the transition, fight = heal. Each time you start to say fight, change it to heal. This will take a minute to get used to, but it will make a huge difference.

  2. Body - Surrendering, exhaling and drinking lots of water are the best ways to feng shui the body. To surrender simply means to give up your stresses, anger and grudges to the Universe, God, Buddha, Mohammad, The Overlords, Captain Jack, Nothingness or who ever you talk to when you need help. Give it all over to them, forgive those who have wronged you for you, not for them. Holding onto anger and resentments only creates disruption in your own body and mind. It’s not worth it. Stress and worry sends the body mixed messages and creates imbalances in the adrenal glands. Design Change - Print a picture or take a screenshot on your phone of what your happy place looks like. This could be a beach, a campsite, the mountains, a European city, a Temple, a deserted island with a cooler filled with your favorite snacks and libations. Each time you feel worry, anger, stress or resentment look at this picture and take a deep breath to let go of all that does not serve you.

  3. Home - Add air purifying plants such as, a money tree, bamboo, jade or succulents to every room in the home. Avoid plants with pokey leaves since that adds the energy of hostility to the home. Design Change - Go around the house and add real plant life to as many rooms as possible. Adding paintings or photos of plants also contributes to the serenity of the home minus the air purifying benefits.

    Bonus: Clear the Mind, Body and Home with Palo Santo or “holy wood.” Palo Santo comes from South America and has a long sacred history that is to be cherished and respected. When burning Palo Santo think about the Amazonian shaman who discovered its many healing properties and used it in healing ceremonies. Feel a sense of gratitude for having access to this precious part of history and nature. Be sure to purchase ethically sourced Palo Santo (Bursera Graveolens) wood sticks and essential oil from reputable and environmentally aware companies. Real Palo Santo wood sticks have dark veining and give off a white smoke with a musky, woodsy scent. First, light the Palo Santo wood and allow the flame to burn for 30 seconds, then softly blow it out and enjoy the calming and anti-inflammatory properties of this natural, sacred treasure.

    MIND: Burn in the morning or before meditating to start the day with a clear mind

    BODY: Use the essential oil topically as it has been know to heal joint pain

    HOME: Palo Santo is used to clear negative energy to make space for positive energy. Burn Palo Santo while walking around your home with positive, healing and prosperous intentions.

Note: Palo Santo does not leave hair and fabrics smelling like campfire smoke.