
Growth is a return on the investments of patience and nurturing that occurs every second of each day. Growth happens so slowly in the present moment.

Photo by: Autumn Mott Rodeheaver @autumnmott

Making a plan or setting a goal is filled with hopefulness and provides a sense of being in control. Once a plan is put into action the momentum is alive with small positive achievements leading the way. What happens next can be a breaking point as things begin shifting around and the efforts start taking shape. Why is this so uncomfortable? The past may be the answer. Fear sabotages many starting points that were put into action only to get squashed before any results could transpire. Think back to a time when you backed out of or quit something and got zero or worse results from when you started. Staying uncomfortable being out of full control will lead to an, “I’ll take my toys and go home,” reaction. This moment is an opportunity to practice patience and trust in the whole process. It can be stressful to remain uncomfortable for what feels like an eternity, but the alternative would be never seeing the outcome of your intentions and efforts. Imagine if you ripped seeds from the ground before they had time to germinate, no flowers or goals met. The growth process includes the setbacks that will occur and create delays in your expected timeframe. Use this phrase to get through these rough moments, “Right now, as the process is working for me and because of me, I am feeling discouraged as the natural balance wavers back and forth. I have to be comfortable with what seems like a setback to benefit from the growth. I promise myself to see it through with patience and trust in the myself and the process.”


The Wim Hof Method is a combination of breathing exercises, exposure to cold and commitment that can help you regulate your stress levels.
— Wim Hof

Wim Hof Method

Deep breathing resets stress hormones in the body. It’s best for the body to be more alkaline than acidic. Through deep breathing, the pH-value in the blood increases making the blood more alkaline and less acidic. The average pH-value is 7.4. This can be measured at home with pH strips.

To reset the nervous system and activate the immune system, take 30 deep breaths slowly and in a safe, comfortable place. Lightheadedness may occur so continue even slower and the sensations will pass.

Cold showers create a deeper connection to human nature and creates neurological pathways when mastered can heal the body.

Areas that are improved with the Wim Hof Method are; brain function, metabolism, inflammation and pain.

Glacial Mint

Enjoy this refreshing beverage to calm the active mind and body.

Photo by: Marc Schulte marc_schulte

Fresh mint leave muddled

Drizzle of Manuka or Raw Honey

Camomile (flower or tea bag)

Add Crushed ice or cubed

Add Sparkling water and garnish with mint leaves

*Always consult with a licensed physician before implementing any physical practice or new method.

New Beginnings

Time for fresh new start filled with adventures, prosperity and realized dreams. Here is a New Year’s mala meditation consisting of 108 affirmations. If you do not have mala beads and are interested in learning the history behind them before getting your own, please this watch video first, How to use mala beads.

Photo by: Jan Tinneberg @craft_ear

Rethink & Rearrange


there could be more light, space or room if you moved just one piece of furniture? Could your desk use more natural light or are you finally over bumping your leg on that dresser? Thought so.

Stand in your least favorite room and think about what bothers you the most. Does it feel small, is there too much stuff or is the lighting dull?

Think about how you’d really like to use this space. Maybe recall something you saw in a magazine, on Pinterest, or a design show. What best describes the function and lifestyle you want? Before you get frustrated for having limited construction skills, a small budget, minimal time or maybe being partnered with a duct tape fix it person, relax. The solution may be so much easier than kicking your way through a wall and renting a dumpster for your front lawn.

Now, what if you moved the desk to be under or closer to the window? Maybe a chair from another room is just the piece this room needs to create a cozy reading space. As for that dresser that keeps bruising your legs, it can go in the corner or the opposite wall so your legs can heal. Moving one piece of furniture or adding some much needed light to a dark corner can make a drastic difference in your productivity or for your relaxation. That’s all it may take to clear a path and reinvent a space. Keep rethinking and rearranging other rooms until you love them all the same.